Source code for

"""Metadata catalogs for different datasets.

Metadata stores information like directory paths, mapping from class ids to
name, etc.

Adopted from Facebook's detectron2.
import copy
import logging
import types
from typing import List

from medsegpy.utils.logger import log_first_n

__all__ = ["DatasetCatalog", "MetadataCatalog"]

[docs]class DatasetCatalog(object): """ A catalog that stores information about the datasets and how to obtain them. It contains a mapping from strings (which are names that identify a dataset, e.g. "oai_2d_train") to a function which parses the dataset and returns the samples in the format of `list[dict]`. The returned dicts should be in MedSegPy Dataset format (See for details) if used with the data loader functionalities in `data/,data/`. The purpose of having this catalog is to make it easy to choose different datasets, by just using the strings in the config. """ _REGISTERED = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def register(name, func): """ Args: name (str): the name that identifies a dataset, e.g. "coco_2014_train". func (callable): a callable which takes no arguments and returns a list of dicts. """ assert callable(func), "You must register a function with `DatasetCatalog.register`!" assert name not in DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED, "Dataset '{}' is already registered!".format( name )
DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED[name] = func
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name): """ Call the registered function and return its results. Args: name (str): the name that identifies a dataset, e.g. "coco_2014_train". Returns: list[dict]: dataset annotations.0 """ try: f = DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Dataset '{}' is not registered! " "Available datasets are: {}".format( name, ", ".join(DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED.keys()) ) )
return f()
[docs] @staticmethod def list() -> List[str]: """ List all registered datasets. Returns: list[str] """
return list(DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED.keys())
[docs] @staticmethod def clear(): """ Remove all registered dataset. """
DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED.clear() class Metadata(types.SimpleNamespace): """ A class that supports simple attribute setter/getter. It is intended for storing metadata of a dataset and make it accessible globally. Examples: .. code-block:: python # somewhere when you load the data: MetadataCatalog.get("mydataset").thing_classes = ["person", "dog"] # somewhere when you print statistics or visualize: classes = MetadataCatalog.get("mydataset").thing_classes """ # the name of the dataset # set default to N/A so that `` in the errors will not trigger # getattr again name: str = "N/A" _RENAMED = {} def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self._RENAMED: log_first_n( logging.WARNING, "Metadata '{}' was renamed to '{}'!".format(key, self._RENAMED[key]), n=10, ) return getattr(self, self._RENAMED[key]) raise AttributeError( "Attribute '{}' does not exist in the metadata of '{}'. " "Available keys are {}.".format(key,, str(self.__dict__.keys())) ) def __setattr__(self, key, val): if key in self._RENAMED: log_first_n( logging.WARNING, "Metadata '{}' was renamed to '{}'!".format(key, self._RENAMED[key]), n=10, ) setattr(self, self._RENAMED[key], val) # Ensure that metadata of the same name stays consistent try: oldval = getattr(self, key) assert oldval == val, ( "Attribute '{}' in the metadata of '{}' cannot be set " "to a different value!\n{} != {}".format(key,, oldval, val) ) except AttributeError: super().__setattr__(key, val) def as_dict(self): """ Returns all the metadata as a dict. Note that modifications to the returned dict will not reflect on the Metadata object. """ return copy.copy(self.__dict__) def set(self, **kwargs): """ Set multiple metadata with kwargs. """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) return self def get(self, key, default=None): """ Access an attribute and return its value if exists. Otherwise return default. """ try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: return default
[docs]class MetadataCatalog: """ MetadataCatalog provides access to "Metadata" of a given dataset. The metadata associated with a certain name is a singleton: once created, the metadata will stay alive and will be returned by future calls to `get(name)`. It's like global variables, so don't abuse it. It's meant for storing knowledge that's constant and shared across the execution of the program, e.g.: the class names in OAI iMorphics. """ _NAME_TO_META = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name): """ Args: name (str): name of a dataset (e.g. oai_2d_train). Returns: Metadata: The :class:`Metadata` instance associated with this name, or create an empty one if none is available. """ assert len(name) if name in MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META: ret = MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META[name] return ret else: m = MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META[name] = Metadata(name=name)
return m
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_path_to_dataset(path): """Convert the dataset path to name for legacy code. This method will be phased out in future versions. """ catalog = { m.get("scan_root", None): name for name, m in MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META.items() } catalog.pop(None)
return catalog[path]