Source code for medsegpy.engine.trainer

import copy
import logging
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from typing import Tuple

import tensorflow as tf
from keras import callbacks as kc
from keras.utils import plot_model

from medsegpy import config, solver
from import build_loader, im_gens
from medsegpy.engine.callbacks import LossHistory, WandBLogger, lr_callback
from medsegpy.evaluation import build_evaluator, inference_on_dataset
from medsegpy.losses import build_loss, dice_loss
from medsegpy.modeling.meta_arch import build_model
from medsegpy.utils import dl_utils, env, io_utils

    from tensorflow.distribute import MirroredStrategy
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    MirroredStrategy = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DefaultTrainer(object): """Default trainer for medical semantic segmentation."""
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: config.Config, run_eagerly=None, strategy=None): """ Args: cfg (Config): An experiment config. run_eagerly (bool, optional): If `True`, runs eagerly. Only available in tensorflow>=2.0. strategy (tf.distribute.Strategy, optional): The strategy to use for training. Only available if `tf.distribute` package is available (tensorflow>=1.14). """ self._cfg = cfg self._loss_history = None self._default_strategy = ( tf.distribute.get_strategy() if _SUPPORTS_DISTRIBUTED else dl_utils.NoOpStrategy() ) num_gpus = dl_utils.num_gpus() if not env.is_tf2() and run_eagerly is not None: warnings.warn("`run_eagerly` can only be specified in Tensorflow >2.0. " "Ignoring...") run_eagerly = None self._run_eagerly = run_eagerly if strategy is None: strategy = self._default_strategy if _SUPPORTS_DISTRIBUTED and num_gpus > 1:"Running multi gpu model") strategy = MirroredStrategy() self.strategy = strategy with self.strategy.scope(): model = self.build_model(cfg) if cfg.INIT_WEIGHTS: self._init_model(model) plot_model(model, to_file=os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model.png"), show_shapes=True) model.summary(line_length=120, print_fn=lambda x: model_json = model.to_json() model_json_save_path = os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model.json") with open(model_json_save_path, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) # Replicate model on multiple gpus when tensorflow.distribute module not available. # Note this does not solve issue of having too large of a model if not _SUPPORTS_DISTRIBUTED and num_gpus > 1:"Running multi gpu model") model = dl_utils.ModelMGPU(model, gpus=num_gpus) self._train_loader, self._val_loader = self._build_data_loaders(cfg)
self._model = model
[docs] def train(self): """Train model specified by config. Do not call this under a strategy scope. Instead, set `self.strategy`. """ cfg = self._cfg with self.strategy.scope(): self._train_model() if cfg.TEST_DATASET: # Specialized strategies are not currently supported for testing. if _SUPPORTS_DISTRIBUTED and not isinstance( self.strategy, (dl_utils.NoOpStrategy, type(self._default_strategy)) ): logger.error( f"Strategy '{type(self.strategy).__name__}' not currently " f"supported for testing. " f"Please run testing separately on a single gpu." ) return {} return self.test(cfg, self._model) else:
return {} def _init_model(self, model): """Initialize model with weights and apply any freezing necessary.""" cfg = self._cfg"Loading weights from {}".format(cfg.INIT_WEIGHTS)) model.load_weights(cfg.INIT_WEIGHTS) frozen_layers = cfg.FREEZE_LAYERS if frozen_layers: fl = range(frozen_layers[0], frozen_layers[1])"Freezing layers [{}, {})".format(fl.start, fl.stop)) for i in fl: model.layers[i].trainable = False def build_callbacks(self): cfg = self._cfg output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR callbacks = [] if cfg.LR_SCHEDULER_NAME: callbacks.append(solver.build_lr_scheduler(cfg)) if cfg.USE_EARLY_STOPPING: callbacks.append( kc.EarlyStopping( monitor=cfg.EARLY_STOPPING_CRITERION, min_delta=cfg.EARLY_STOPPING_MIN_DELTA, patience=cfg.EARLY_STOPPING_PATIENCE, ) ) self._loss_history = LossHistory() tb_kwargs = dict(update_freq="batch") if env.is_tf2() else {} callbacks.extend( [ kc.ModelCheckpoint( os.path.join(output_dir, "weights.{epoch:03d}-{val_loss:.4f}.h5"), save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True, ), kc.TensorBoard(output_dir, write_grads=False, write_images=False, **tb_kwargs), WandBLogger() if env.supports_wandb() else None, kc.CSVLogger(os.path.join(output_dir, "metrics.log")), self._loss_history, ] ) callbacks = [x for x in callbacks if x is not None] return callbacks
[docs] def build_loss(self): """Builds loss function used with ``model.compile(loss=...)``. """
return build_loss(self._cfg) def _train_model(self): """Train model. If multi-gpu training and distributed training is supported (tensorflow>=1.15), call this function with the appropriate strategy scope:: with self.strategy.scope(): self._train_model() """ cfg = self._cfg n_epochs = cfg.N_EPOCHS num_workers = cfg.NUM_WORKERS output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR model = self._model # TODO: Add more options for metrics. optimizer = solver.build_optimizer(cfg) loss_func = self.build_loss() metrics = [lr_callback(optimizer), dice_loss] callbacks = self.build_callbacks() if isinstance(loss_func, kc.Callback): callbacks.insert(0, loss_func) metrics.append(loss_func.criterion) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss_func, metrics=metrics) if env.is_tf2(): run_eagerly = tf.executing_eagerly() if self._run_eagerly is None else self._run_eagerly model.run_eagerly = run_eagerly train_loader, val_loader = self._train_loader, self._val_loader use_multiprocessing = num_workers > 1 # Start training model.fit_generator( train_loader, epochs=n_epochs, validation_data=val_loader, callbacks=callbacks, workers=num_workers, use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing, verbose=1, shuffle=False, ) # Save optimizer state io_utils.save_optimizer(model.optimizer, output_dir) # Save files to write as output # TODO: refactor to save dataframe. hist_cb = self._loss_history data = [hist_cb.epoch, hist_cb.losses, hist_cb.val_losses] pik_data_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "pik_data.dat") with open(pik_data_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f) @classmethod def test(cls, cfg: config.Config, model):"Beginning testing...") cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg) # will be modified below. cfg.change_to_test() weights = cfg.TEST_WEIGHT_PATH if not cfg.TEST_WEIGHT_PATH: weights = dl_utils.get_weights(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR)"Best weights: {}".format(weights)) model.load_weights(weights) test_dataset = cfg.TEST_DATASET test_gen = cls.build_test_data_loader(cfg) evaluator = build_evaluator(test_dataset, cfg, save_raw_data=True) return inference_on_dataset(model, test_gen, evaluator) @classmethod def build_model(cls, cfg): try: return build_model(cfg) except KeyError: # TODO (TF2.X) if env.is_tf2(): raise ValueError( "`get_model` not currently supported for tf2. " "We are working on backwards compatibility" ) from medsegpy.modeling import get_model return get_model(cfg) def _build_data_loaders(self, cfg) -> Tuple[im_gens.Generator, im_gens.Generator]: """Builds train and val data loaders.""" train_loader = build_loader( cfg, dataset_names=cfg.TRAIN_DATASET, batch_size=cfg.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, drop_last=True, is_test=False, shuffle=True, ) val_loader = build_loader( cfg, dataset_names=cfg.VAL_DATASET, batch_size=cfg.VALID_BATCH_SIZE, drop_last=True, is_test=False, shuffle=False, ) return train_loader, val_loader @classmethod def build_test_data_loader(cls, cfg): return build_loader( cfg, dataset_names=cfg.TEST_DATASET, batch_size=cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE, drop_last=False, is_test=True, shuffle=False,