Source code for medsegpy.utils.cluster

import os
import re
import socket
import warnings
import yaml
from typing import Sequence, Union

from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager

from medsegpy.utils.env import settings_dir

# Path to the repository directory.
_REPO_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../.."))

[docs]class Cluster: """Tracks config of different nodes/clusters. This class is helpful for managing different storage paths across different nodes/clusters without the overhead of duplicating the codebase across multiple nodes. To identify the current node, we inspect the hostname. This can be problematic if two machines have the same hostname, though this has not been an issue as of yet. DO NOT use the node's public ip address to identify it. Not only is this not returned by ``socket.hostname()``, but there are also some security issues. Note: This class is not thread safe. Saving/deleting configs should be done on the main thread. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, patterns: Union[str, Sequence[str]], data_dir: str = None, results_dir: str = None, ): """ Args: name (str): The name of the cluster. Name is case-sensitive. patterns (Sequence[str]): Regex pattern(s) for identifying cluster. Cluster will be identified by ``any(re.match(p, socket.gethostname()) for p in patterns)``. data_dir (str, optional): The data directory. Defaults to ``os.environ['MEDSEGPY_RESULTS']`` or ``"./datasets"``. results_dir (str, optional): The results directory. Defaults to `"os.environ['MEDSEGPY_DATASETS']"` or ``"./results"``. """ = name if isinstance(patterns, str): patterns = patterns self.patterns = patterns self._data_dir = data_dir
self._results_dir = results_dir @property def data_dir(self): path = self._data_dir if not path: path = os.environ.get("MEDSEGPY_DATASETS", "./datasets") return PathManager.get_local_path(path) @property def results_dir(self): path = self._results_dir if not path: path = os.environ.get("MEDSEGPY_RESULTS", "./results") return PathManager.get_local_path(path)
[docs] def save(self): """Save cluster config to yaml file.""" filepath = self.filepath() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True) with open(filepath, "w") as f: data = {(k[1:] if k.startswith("_") else k): v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()}
yaml.safe_dump(data, f)
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes the config file for this cluster.""" filepath = self.filepath() if os.path.isfile(filepath):
[docs] def filepath(self): """Returns config file path. Note: This does not guarantee the config exists. To save the cluster config to a file, use `save()`. Returns: str: The config file path. """
return os.path.join(self._config_dir(), f"{}.yaml") @property def save_dir(self): """Deprecated: Legacy alias for `self.results_dir`""" warnings.warn( "`save_dir` is deprecated and will be removed in v0.0.2. Use `results_dir` instead", FutureWarning, ) return self.results_dir @classmethod def all_clusters(cls): config_dir = cls._config_dir() clusters = [] if os.path.isdir(config_dir): files = sorted(os.listdir(config_dir)) for f in files: clusters.append(cls.from_config(os.path.join(config_dir, f))) return clusters
[docs] @classmethod def cluster(cls): """Searches saved clusters by regex matching with hostname. Note: The cluster must have been saved to a config file. Also, if there are multiple cluster matches, only the first (sorted alphabetically) will be returned. Returns: Cluster: The current cluster. """ clusters = cls.all_clusters() hostname = socket.gethostname() for clus in clusters: if any(re.match(p, hostname) for p in clus.patterns): return clus
return _UNKNOWN
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, name): """ Args: name (str): Cluster name or path to config file. Returns: Cluster: The Cluster object """ if not os.path.isfile(name): filepath = os.path.join(cls._config_dir(), f"{name}.yaml") else: filepath = name if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config file not found: {name}") with open(filepath, "r") as f: cfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
return cls(**cfg) @staticmethod def _config_dir(): return os.path.join(settings_dir(), "clusters") @staticmethod def working_cluster() -> "Cluster": return _CLUSTER
[docs] @staticmethod def set_working_cluster(cluster=None): """Sets the working cluster. Args: cluster (`str` or `Cluster`): The cluster name or cluster. If ``None``, will reset cluster to _UNKNOWN, meaning default data and results dirs will be used. """
set_cluster(cluster) def __repr__(self): return "Cluster({})".format( ", ".join("{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items())
[docs]def set_cluster(cluster: Union[str, Cluster] = None): """Sets the working cluster. Args: cluster (`str` or `Cluster`): The cluster name or cluster. If ``None``, will reset cluster to _UNKNOWN, meaning default data and results dirs will be used. """ if cluster is None: cluster = _UNKNOWN elif isinstance(cluster, str): if cluster.lower() == cluster = _UNKNOWN else: cluster = Cluster.from_config(cluster) global _CLUSTER
_CLUSTER = cluster _UNKNOWN = Cluster("UNKNOWN", []) # Unknown cluster _CLUSTER = Cluster.cluster() # Working cluster